
Understanding Anxiety In Children

Including FB Live With Dr. Adler

Kids Anxiety In Hong Kong

Little Steps aims to take all possible steps to raise awareness, widen understanding, generate positive discussions, and ultimately, positive changes around issues that children face while navigating their experiences. The world is new and often scary to our little ones; even adults, more experienced in the art of life, rarely master self-soothing to the point of being able to model it to their kiddos. While all of us humans are rightfully nervous in various situations, only some experience anxiety, which inhibits functioning, often overlaps with other disorders, is difficult to diagnose, generates even more issues and can easily continue into adulthood without the implementation of mindful approaches.

We were honored to again be joined by Dr. Adler, the director of the Adler Family Centre in Hong Kong, a world-class clinical psychologist specializing in childhood anxiety with a particular interest in social anxiety. Dr. Adler’s focus on psychiatric difficulties stems from his own experience with social anxiety that followed him from the age of 7 into his 30s, and he shared his personal experience, expert knowledge, and research results with us in this meaningful conversation about a complex, often misunderstood topic.

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