Have you heard about this little secret? New moms around the globe are raving about these natural nursing cups made of…Silver! Good news! We have found them in Hong Kong thanks to e-boutique Petit Tippi!
SILVERETTE® are small nursing cups made out of 925 silver to help protect the nipples while breastfeeding. Silver is a natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory element and it is known to heal and prevent cracks, soreness, and infections.
The scoop?
*Easy to use – No creams or lotions required.
*Experts give it a thumbs up – Mothers, doctors, and obstetricians love them.
*How to use – When you are done with your breastfeeding session, leave a couple of milk drops in each cup and apply them directly to the nipple like a cupping glass. Keep them on as much as possible in between breastfeeding sessions. Remove cups before breastfeeding. Note, these are not shields. They are to be worn in between feedings.
*Easy to clean – no problem!