
Guide To Buying SMART Devices And Appliances For Your Home In Jakarta

Choosing The Best SMART Items For Your Home And Where To Buy Them In Jakarta

Top Smart Devices For Your Home

Back in 2011, Siri was first released by Apple on their iPhone 4s and it shook the world. Since then, virtual assistants and smart devices have come a long way and entered our homes and lives. As it is now, daily tasks like cooking guides, reminders, turning appliances and lights on and off, playing music, and internet searches have been made easier with smart devices. Whether it’s with voice commands or a tap on your smartphone, controlling your devices is as easy as ABC and 123! Here, Little Steps has done the research to bring you the top devices and appliances you would want in your home.

  1. Virtual assistant hubs like Google Home and Amazon Alexa can be connected to your home network. That allows them to assist you in controlling the other devices in your home with a voice command.
  2. Google Chromecast will make your TV smart. This gadget plugs into any TV with an HDMI port and you can stream contents from your phones on TV as well as show photos from your Google Photos app.
  3. The light and electrical switches in your home can be replaced with a smart switch like BARDI, SONOFF, or ARBIT. This will allow you to switch the light and electricity connected to those switches be controlled by app or voice command if you have a virtual assistant.
  4. Keep track of your health with a smart scale in your home. Scales like Mi Smart Scale and Mi Smart Body Composition Scale from the famous Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi can be connected to the Mi Fit app in your smartphone and keep a record of your data to track your progress.
  5. Smart lightbulbs like the ones from Philips and BARDI are becoming more popular lately because they are easy to install and they allow you to control the lights with an app or with a voice command if you have a virtual assistant. Some smart bulbs are dimmable, and some are even color-changeable.
  6. Smart LED strips are gaining popularity as accent lights in many homes. They are energy efficient and they make a huge impact on your home interior.
  7. When placed in a strategic spot in your home, a smart infra-red (IR) remote would be useful. It will allow you to control multiple appliances with an infra-red remote (like TV and AC) from your phone.
  8. The famous Italian company Ariston has recently released a few smart water heater models, allowing you to control your water heater temperature from your app. This is great for maintaining comfort yet saving a lot of energy for heating.


Why Little Steps Loves It:​

Controlling your home is easier than ever. You can even do it remotely from outside your home!

Who It's Perfect For:

Anyone who wants convenience but saves energy at the same time.

What Else:​

Make sure you have a good enough network at home to support your SMART devices.

Additional Info:​

Get your SMART devices at these online marketplaces:




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