
Meet The Head: Paul Wickes Of Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK)

MCHK Head Shares His Pearls Of Wisdom With Little Steps!

Head Malvern Hong Kong

Are you looking for a school in Hong Kong? Then read the Little Steps interview with Paul Wickes, Head of Malvern College Hong Kong, which is committed to giving pupils a rich and varied learning environment to fulfil their academic and personal potential.

If you’re interested in finding out more about MCHK, why not join the College Malvern Meet on September 19, 2023 to visit the school, meet the academic team and learn more about the curriculum?

In this Q+A, Paul talks about his love of traveling, who inspired him to be a head and his top tips for parents applying for schools…

  • About the Head

    Do you have a nickname?
    Not to my knowledge!

    Where were you born and where did you grow up?
    I was born in Southampton and went to university in London. I've also lived in Portugal and Brazil.

    Where do you live in the city and why do you love it there?
    I live in Sai Kung. I love the mountains and the beaches, the mix of nationalities and the diverse food. The locals are very warm and friendly.

    What's in your lunchbox?
    Sushi with noodles, and lots of fruit - I try to eat healthily most of the time!

  • Globe Malvern Hong Kong

    Head’s Background

    What or who inspired you to become a Head?
    Anthony Clark, my Headmaster at Malvern College UK.

    Describe your school in 5 words or less
    Ambitious, transformational, entrepreneurial, pupil-centered and family-oriented.

    What's your favorite thing on your desk and why?
    A globe my wife bought me many years ago. It brings back happy memories from all the traveling we've done. More significantly, it reminds me of how vast and varied the world is, and yet how interconnected it is at the same time.

    What are your 3 favorite children's books? 
    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (CS Lewis), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (JK Rowling) and The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

    Fun fact: Mr. Lewis was also a Malvernian!

  • Exterior Malvern Hong Kong

    Sound Advice

    What is the best way for parents to be involved in their children’s education?
    Make an effort to understand the school; show genuine interest in your child's day, and not just in the classroom; encourage them; but try not to micromanage them - they need to learn to be self-disciplined and independent learners.

    Any tips for parents when applying for schools?
    Look for a school with a rigorous academic programme; a wealth of co-curricular opportunities; and outstanding pastoral care. All 3 are equally important.

    What's the best advice a teacher or Head ever gave you?
    If you are ever on the horns of a dilemma, ask yourself: how will my decision affect pupil outcomes?



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