If you are looking for somewhere fun to take the family, then check out Westgate Timezone which is the newest and biggest Timezone in Singapore! Spanning over 18,000 square feet with over 200 games, it will surely keep the kids (and you) entertained. This Timezone is split into three main sections: the music zone, the racing zone, and the carnival zone. The music zone is for the dancers in your family, while the rev heads will love the racing zone. The carnival zone is where the traditional arcade games are, and is the place you can win tickets that can be used to claim prizes from the massive Disney and Mario Bros prize wall. Westgate Timezone also has eight lanes of bowling, four of which are built specifically for the little ones (think shorter lanes and lighter balls) and there are also two party rooms, so it is the perfect place to host a birthday!
The number and variety of games are bound to keep you entertained. Everyone will definitely find something they love!
The whole family, young and old.
Check out the Timezone Singapore Facebook page for Timezone events and specials.
Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 11:30am-9:30pm, Friday & Eve of Public Holiday 11:30am-9:30pm, and Saturday, Sunday, Public and School Holidays 10:30am-10:00pm.
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