
Stay And Play At Nexus Singapore

Visit The School's Early Years Spaces!

Teachers Nexus Singapore
They say it takes a village to raise a child because it requires the combined efforts of the people around each child to provide a safe, healthy and happy environment where they can flourish. At Nexus International School (Singapore), they strive to achieve this through fostering strong relationships and extending the important learnings from the classrooms to learners’ homes through a close collaboration with their parents. One of the ways they do this is through the “Stay and Play” programme, where learners can share their learnings with their family members who come to visit the Early Years spaces.

Want to find out more about their unique approach to learning? Book a tour and keep an eye out for upcoming Open Days

In the Nexus Early Years, they use the IB Primary Years Programme, which employs play-based learning. As children are natural “hands-on” inquirers, play-based learning enables them to make discoveries through playful interactions with people and their environments.

Their early years educators carefully craft activities and stations that encourage open-ended inquiries; this time, they incorporated the transdisciplinary theme of “Sharing the Planet”. Each of the stations incorporated learning across multiple subjects; for example, one of the stations was “Ice Insects”, where learners were challenged to retrieve insect figurines frozen in ice blocks.

Through this activity alone, our learners had to use their problem-solving skills to find a solution, build up their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination through this icy sensory experience and understand the scientific concepts behind the exercise – a seemingly simple activity packed full of learning opportunities!

Events like the “Stay and Play” give learners’ families the opportunity to immerse themselves in the school’s learning spaces and share the learning with their children. It’s also an opportunity for the Nexus community to gather and share laughter and knowledge while building these key relationships with each other.


Why Little Steps Loves It:​

Each child at Nexus is taught based on their personal motivations, understanding and talents.

Who It's Perfect For:

Nursery to Year 13 students.

What Else:​

The Nexus Way guides the school's teaching methodologies and adopts the key elements of Mindsets, Relationships, Inclusion and Innovation. Nexus learners are inquisitive critical thinkers who are encouraged to collaborate and empathize with their peers.


Where To Find It:​

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