Especially since the introduction of online school, measures that restrict our activities, and anxiety about the future surging, screen time has come into parents’ focus with even more immediacy. We’ve talked to an expert in the field, Dr Leith Stewart, occupational therapist and founder of Young Folk Therapy, about the impact of too much screen time and helpful practices to remedy the unhealthy trends not only our kids, but adults too are mostly unconsciously perpetuating.

Through an understanding of an individual’s functional skills and behaviors, occupational therapists help them find ways to use them to achieve their goals. This can take on an incredible variety of individualistic approaches, but they are always based in developing meaningful activities that help individuals or communities grow. Leith has been an occupational therapist for almost 19 years and worked within both the local and international educational system. She gave us invaluable insight as both an expert as a mother who has an integrated understanding of the complexity of this phenomenon.