Friendship gives us a sense of belonging and purpose and studies are beginning to indicate there are health benefits too. Hong Kong Academy (HKA) is renowned for its strong community and one of the ways they achieve this is through their student buddy program. Every primary school child is matched up with a buddy that...
Mulberry House International Kindergarten (MHKG) is very excited to announce they are opening a new bilingual immersion international kindergarten in September 2020 in a beautiful setting at the Mayfair By the Sea in Providence Bay, Tai Po. Officially approved by the EDB, combined with the full support of the local community, parents and teachers, Mulberry House...
Founded as a Primary School in 2007, The Harbour School offers preparatory, primary, middle and high school education. Progressive schools, like The Harbour School, implement student-centered ideas and practices, engaging its students in every aspect of school life and giving them ample opportunities to participate in their learning actively. The school has a supportive and...
Montessori kindergartens and preschools are popular here in Singapore. Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. Speaking about Montessori, you may have heard of one of the pioneer schools offering Montessori based teaching in Singapore, Josiah Montessori. Founded in 1997 by 3 engineers who had difficulties...
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